School Age Tuition (per hour)
Pre-school From 84 GBP
General Primary Tuition From 89 GBP
Entrance Exam Tuition (7+, 8+, 11+, 13+, 16+) From 89 GBP
National Exam Tuition (per hour)
GCSE From 94 GBP
A-Level From 98 GBP
IB/Pre-U From 98 GBP
University and Adult Learners (per hour)
UCAS & Oxbridge From 108 GBP
SAT/ACT From 139 GBP
Undergraduate / Postgraduate From 118 GBP
Adult/Advanced Interview From 119 GBP
Fixed Fees
Online Academic Assessments From 296 GBP
Academic Assessments in Knightsbridge From 396 GBP
Schools Advisory Consultation (60 mins) From 489 GBP
Homeschooling and Travelling Tutors
Homeschooling and Travelling Tutor programmes are designed bespoke to your childs' needs and family's budget Available on request

We’re here to
help and ready
to talk

Whether you would like advice on how to structure your children’s home education, require the support of tutors, or simply have questions, our team are ready and waiting to take your calls and answer your emails.